The wind was howling, and the roads were slippery, but it wasn't a long drive, so we continued on. I had a kids CD playing and the girls were happily singing along in their seats. I looked up at the mirror to smile at them and admire the sweet sounds coming from the back.
Suddenly, I glanced back at the road, and discovered that I had veered into the ditch! It was the weirdest thing. I hadn't slipped on the ice, or jerked my wheel. My eyes hadn't even wandered for more than a second. But, there I was, stuck.
I drummed up all the winter driving skills I had practiced over the years, reversing, driving forward, etc. But I wasn't going anywhere but down further into the ditch. Errrrr. Frustration.
Well, since I don't have a cell phone, and since we were less than a mile from Grandma's, I said, "Let's start walking."
I was so thankful that the girls were well dressed for this weather. I, on the other hand, was not. I scrounged around the van to find some winter clothes for myself. I found a stray mitten under the seat, and a fuzzy blanket in the back. It would have to do.
The weather had suddenly turned cold, and the wind howled around us. I grabbed two little hands, trying to tighten the blanket around my bare head. What a sight it must have been, had there been someone nearby to see us. I had a sense of what Mary and Joseph must have felt like, wandering in the wilderness, trying to protect your child, in their case, unborn.
As we walked, I prayed. I asked Jesus to send someone our way to help us. There was no sound of potential rescuers. No sound at all except for the wind - and singing. Yes, singing. My oldest was singing as we walked. She had such a sweet peace and confidence about her. To her, this was an adventure. Walking to Grandma's in the storm. My little one complained periodically. She was cold. And tired. And so was I. We prayed that, since no one was coming, that Jesus would speak to Grandma, tell her to look out the window and see us coming in the distance. Unlikely, I know, especially through the blinding snow. But we prayed.
And we walked. If this had been a sunny, summer day, the walk would have been pleasant. But we were cold. We stopped every so often, crouched on the gravel road, and created a blanket tent around ourselves to warm up.
After walking for a long time, what seemed like forever, we stopped and looked back at the van. The distance from us to the van was further than the distance from us to Grandma's. That was encouraging. We were 'almost there'.
Suddenly, my oldest stopped singing, and yelled, "I see GRANDMA!" I looked at her to see what she thought she was seeing. She was looking ahead, down the road. I glanced up, and sure enough, there was Grandma's car, headed down her driveway, turning toward us!!!!!
The first thing I said was, "Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus!"
And I cried. I was overjoyed, cold, tired, weary, relieved, and so thankful! We were going to be rescued! Help was on its way!
As my mom pulled up beside us, we crumpled into the car. I told her I had never been so happy to see her in my life. She had felt the Lord speaking to her. He told her to go and see why I was taking so long to get there. She was expecting us, but knew that we should have long been there by now. So, she listened and obeyed. And saved us!
Long story short, we called my brother on mom's phone (he works nearby) and he came to bail us out.
Great story Marla and a great lesson for all of us. Thank you for sharing .
Praise The Lord!! Thanks for sharing your story of faith and teaching your girls about calling on Jesus wherever and whenever!!
I love it and was encouraged!!
your friend, Marilyn
Isn't it great when we can see tangible and immediate answers to our prayers? I think these are divine moments to inspire faith in our children.
What an awesome God.
Such a cool story!! God is real! :)
PTL! Thanks for sharing one of God's wonders!
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