Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Not one of my strong points. Patience. The other day I was driving in the van, listening to a radio station. The current song playing wasn't one of my favourites, and I had a fleeting thought that I wish I could "fast-forward" songs on the radio. Then my mind drifted to how nice it would be to have satellite radio in my vehicle. That way I could pick and choose what I listened to.

God silently (yet clearly) spoke to me in my spirit at that moment. He reminded me that life is not about having what you want when you want it. He dropped words into my heart, words like 'tolerance' and 'patience'. I was thankful for that gentle word from Him. We all hear so often about living in an "instant gratification" world. And I didn't realize how much I was affected by that kind of attitude until now. The way I demand things NOW, like obedience from my kids, responses from e-mails I've sent, or songs that I like. Even when I'm working onthe computer, I've bookmarked so many websites (including my own blog!) just so I don't have to go to all the work of typing in the address or remembering my passwords. Silly, isn't it? We have so many conveniences and shortcuts, and yet we still have no time for other things. Where is all this time that we are supposed to be saving?

That's one of the reasons I love spending time with seniors. Their slow-paced, laid back outlook leaves an impression on me. We could all use some of that. Like walking with my grandma down the hall of her apartment. It takes extra long, and I have to consciously take smaller, slower steps beside her. But a relaxed easy pace gives one more time to visit along the way, more time to reflect and enjoy what's around you. Like grandma. Or others who walk along side you. Like my pokey little three-year old, whom I always seem to be rushing.

God's little reminder spurred much thought within me. Lord, please forgive me for my instant, selfish, want-it-now attitude. Teach me to be more patient, tolerant, and relaxed. In Psalm 46:10 the Lord urges to 'be still and know that I am God." Be still, rest, and slow down. I long for patience to listen to those things that I don't necessarily want to listen to. Like a song on a radio. Like the person in line in front of me at the store. Like my little girl telling me about her day while I am 'busy'. Like my husband talking about his day filled with things I don't understand. Like a tough command from Jesus to love my enemies. I claim that I don't believe in coincidences. Let me live like I really believe that; like everything that crosses my path in the day is an opportunity to learn and listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this post. :) I identify!!