Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cancer - Part 14 (Finally)

On December 1, Mike had his second PET scan. Again, we were expecting to see no changes because they had basically told us that the last cycle of chemo was just a pre-caution anyway. We headed to Winnipeg early in the morning after dropping off our girls. They did routine blood work, and then we waited to see our oncologist. The wait was long, but well worth it. We were given the Christmas gift we had been waiting for. Dr. Swajzcer told us that the lymphoma had cleared up and the scans showed NO TRACE OF CANCER IN HIS LYMPH NODES! This was great news!!!!!!!! The chemo treatments were finally over and we were ready to move past this ugly cancer!! The nurse at CancerCare asked Mike if he wanted his PICC line pulled out that day. We said, "Definitely!!!" We wanted no more associations with cancer!!!

We praise the Lord and give Him all the glory. I call this a miracle! Our Christmas miracle. God foreknew all that was in store for us last year, and He also knew when and how this journey of illness would end. The oncologist will still keep an eye on Mike's thyroid, since it showed some signs of malignancy. However, it was not a concern to him or the Head/Neck specialist. So we are believing that it is nothing. They want to do a follow-up CT scan in spring, then regular follow-ups thereafter, either via Tele-health calls or through our family doctor. When we left the Cancer Care building, I looked back one last time, with great relief, believing that that would be the last time I would ever enter those doors!

The girls were especially excited to hear the news. They had spent so much time praying and worrying about their daddy for the past 7 months, and now their bad dream was finally over. Every time we said bedtime prayers, Jayna would always add, “Help Daddy at the doctor.” Now we could spend time in prayer thanking God instead! Alicia’s biggest thrill was when Daddy could wrestle with her again. The PICC line limited Mike’s activity, and wrestling had been out of the question. Now she could do what she loved with her Daddy!

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