So, I was having coffee with a good, older friend of mine yesterday. Okay, she's only about 5 years older. I know I made her sound ancient, but to some of you, so am I!
Anyway, I have gleaned much insight from this friend over the past year or so that we have been getting to know one another better. Today we were reflecting on how age produces wisdom. I don't know about you, but for me when I got married I was quite naive. I wasn't one of those young, just-out-of-highschool brides. I was 27. But I had some pretty unrealistic expectations of how marriage would be. It's taken me until now, almost 9 years later to finally realize and understand that we are DIFFERENT. Yeah, I'm slow. But I'm also stubborn and fairly controlling. I think I didn't want to see it before. As I age, though, I get more and more thankful for the experience of life. Although it's hard to see the numbers get higher, it is kind of nice to look back at your past and smile. You know the mistakes you've made, you can see the foolishness of certain decisions, you feel remorse and regret to. And you can use these lessons to move forward. As I talk to my kids, and seek to impart some sort of wisdom onto them, I know that there are some things that they will just have to learn with time. As I did. Maybe that's why some grandparents smile so much. They must just shake their head and think, "Oh, you young foolish child. Just wait. Just wait..."
And what about our Heavenly Father? How He must chuckle at us. We think we know so much. If you ever get the chance to watch Louie Giglio's videos called "How Great Is Our God", do it! It will alter your sense of importance. The God of this universe is so massive, so powerful, so awesome and creative. And yet He longs to be near us. Me and you. We are smaller than the dust on microscopic beings. But He loves us and chooses to have relationship with us. How amazing.
Soak in His awesomeness and tenderness today.
I love what you wrote in your 3rd paragraph. I've never seen L. Giglio's videos, but they sound great! I had a moment, while I was driving home one night a few months ago, when I realized exactly what you are talking about here. God of the universe is so huge, and I am so tiny. Yet, he drew my heart to himself. And, yet, I walk around thinking I AM the center of the universe. When I see things in perspective (like you describe, here), life is simpler and obedience is easier. Sorry if this is a bit long-winded.
Love to hear what's on your heart. You MUST hear this guy! Fascinating! If you ever get your hands on his video, buy it/rent it/borrow it/ whatever you can. I love when you respond to my posts. And you could never be long-winded my friend!
This blogging feels like writing letters, again! So fun!!
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