Sunday, September 11, 2011

Cancer - part 16 (The End)

In all this, Mike’s faith soared. In the beginning, it was very difficult for us to swallow our pride and accept all the help and gifts. But as he grew more tired and weary, he knew that I needed others to step in where he could not. Eventually we learned to just say ‘thank you’ and accept with a grateful heart, praying blessing over the giver.

And we did have so much to be thankful. We counted about 60 gifts of food and meals. We received several large gifts of cash, cheques of up to $500! People blessed us with gift cards, money for house-cleaning services, waiving fees for certain services, free haircuts, cable TV during this time when Mike would be doing lots of resting, snow-blowing, a $200 shopping spree, gas/grocery vouchers, movie rental coupons, etc. And, in November when we went to pick up some beef that we ordered from a butcher, the receptionist said, "No charge. Merry Christmas!" The farmer had donated a cow for the meat, and the butcher donated the rendering services!

In the beginning, when Mike was so uncomfortable due to his cough and was also having severe chest pains that kept him up at night, I was wishing that he had a comfortable recliner to sleep in at night. I knew that we couldn’t afford that, so I asked my Heavenly Father, who loves to give freely to His children. I kept this prayer item to myself, because I knew that if I shared my desire with others, and then received a chair, I would doubt God’s faithfulness. I only told three people about my prayer. We were overjoyed when, one day in April, out of the blue, my mom called me and asked if we were home; they were at a furniture store and wanted to deliver a recliner. I cried tears of joy at the way God had provided! I’m glad I did share it with some special people; this way I could share my joy at the answered prayer, too!

Mike was able to start work again at the beginning of January. It was so refreshing to see the life in his eyes again when he would come home and tell me about his day. His employers were so accommodating during his sick leave. He was thankful that he had a job to go back to, especially a job that he enjoys.

Mike and I have grown together in faith and love. I would say that the time during cancer was not the period of the most growth. It has been happening afterward, after the stress and despair. Even now, almost daily, I feel like we are falling in love again. And, even though we don’t talk about the cancer days that often, we have each made a personal decision to be more grateful for each other.

I’m so glad that this year is over. The transformation that God promised is coming. It is much slower and different than I expected. But God’s way is always best. Mostly, I try to forget all that we experienced last year. But in some ways I want to remember. I want to remember the blessings, the way friends and family and community supported us. I want to remember the days when Mike felt good and all the memories we made on those days. I want to remember the wonderful people we met along this journey, including the chemo staff at Boundary Trails. I want to remember the faithful friends that we reconnected with along the way. I even want to remember the despair and sadness that we felt just so that we can help and relate to others in the future. I want to remember the hope we profess, for God who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). I want to remember that prayer works and it is sometimes the most important thing that we can do for those we love. I want to remember to be Jesus with skin on for those who are hurting. I want to remember to love my husband and children unashamedly today, for you never know what the future holds.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

PRAISE GOD! Thank you so much for sharing this incredible journey. I really do feel that bond with your family that you told me about a few weeks ago. PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD, PRAISE GOD!!!!!